By Vonette Bright.
Nancy was out walking in a park. She prayed God would lead her to someone who needed to hear about Jesus Christ.
Soon Nancy met a young man named Jim. It turned out that he had been a gang member and a drug user. He didn’t think God would ever forgive him.
Nancy shared how God had changed her life and He wanted to do the same for Jim.
Jim prayed with her and invited Jesus Christ into his life. That day, God wiped clean the slate of Jim’s sins and he became a new creation!
Friend, you may not think you are an evangelist. But God will give you the ability, courage and power to tell others about Christ.
Share the Good News with somebody today. Help them discover the joy of being forgiven… forever!
By God's grace and mighty power, I have been given the privilege of serving him by spreading this Good News. –Ephesians 3:7
This I Believe:
God can use me in a special way today.
By Vonette Bright
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