By Vonette Bright
It was a crowded flight, and I ended up next to a delightful, young executive. She wore the signs of success—meticulously dressed, carrying an expensive briefcase.
Before long, Sandy began to tell me her story. She left her husband because she was frustrated with his lack of motivation. She wanted him to join her on the fast track of success, but he didn’t share her drive.
She began dating other men and met someone she thought was more promising. As she became intimately involved with this man, she discovered he was involved in some illegal activities. When she confronted him, he denied it. Then he promptly dumped her.
Sandy owns a very productive advertising agency. But as we began to talk, she admitted, “I’ve made such bad choices. I’ve been depressed for two weeks. I’ve hit rock bottom. I’m successful but unhappy. My life is a mess.”
After hearing her story, she asked me what I did. I told her about Campus Crusade for Christ and Women Today. She could hardly believe it! She said, “This is unbelievable! I knew when you sat next to me on this plane that something significant was going to happen.”
I shared The Four Spiritual Laws with her. It turns out that Sandy was already a believer but was living a defeated Christian life. So, I talked with her about the Holy Spirit and living an abundant, powerful, and victorious life.
Sandy was very responsive. The whole situation had caused her to question the value system she had created for herself. She admitted that she was ignoring what was really important in life. Our conversation proved to be timely. God completely revolutionized and enriched her life.
What a wonderful opportunity for me. And what a great reminder that you can’t judge a book by its cover.
Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” —Luke 6:37
By Vonette Bright
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